セット内容:100% vinyl armor公式ライセンス商品Black jumpsuit worn under armorGreen molded armor pieces for 胸囲, back, shoulders, biceps, belt, cod piece and thighsGreen gauntletsGreen boot topsAll armor pieces have dents and scratches to create a worn lookTwo piece helmet made of plastic comes together to form the Spartan helmetHelmet has golden transparent visor for visionSmall openings near mouth for ventilationFoam padding on interior of helmet for added comfortHelmet lights up with the press of a switch located on exterior of helmetInstructions for assembly includedMakes you feel like a space cowboy when wornST:胸囲 - 122cm胴 - 89cmジャンプスーツ丈 - 161cmCOLLECTOR'S ヘイロー マスターチーフ コスプレ コスチューム 大人用 男性用 衣装 ドレス ワンピース 仮装 衣装 忘年会 パーティ 学園祭 文化祭 学祭